[syndicate] \\

0f0003 | maschinenkunst n2o at ggttctttat.com
Mon Feb 11 01:57:48 CET 2008

 > About giving me this lesson on "not naming people",


 >what is expected of me
 > exactly that I identify the people I'm working with locally one by  
 >who does that anywhere,

In context responsive villages these things happen.
Not so sure about bubble gum keyword keyword
for the sake of impressing other keywords environments.

 >why should that happen here and not in the
 > practices of your country


 >is it because like our fellow syndicate says we
 > are "natives".


 >Over romanticizing the so called eastern bloc

Truth is always romantic.
[if u have a problem with that 2 bad]

 >what is expected of me
 > exactly that I identify the people I'm working with locally one by  

Expectations are traps, so I doubt anyone expects anything of u.

You paraded some v.compelling keywords eg.
'context responsive' around and said they meant something.


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