[syndicate] important things ii

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sun Feb 10 05:29:43 CET 2008

important things ii

in 'Important Things' i initiated the move from a poetics of everyday life
to a deconstruction of absolutist philosophy; the tension between the two
plays out in life, text, image, sound. the experience of the body is the
body, the experience of the body is anything which can be reflected, any-
thing which cannot be reflected. our death is a sign we cannot speak. your
death is that sign of speech, that sign which is any sign. my death is a
sign i cannot speak. we meander among signs and voice do we not?

in important things i began the project which appears as the object of
anita berber. ghosts exist and this is as much in evidence as anything,
anysign. let us think of anysign as the bending or devolution of sign;
the sivaj below are just such a sign.

anysign is neither singular nor plural and replaces anything in the true
world, just as anything in the true world replaces anysign given the
ikonic thud of sign, voice, body, text, image, sound, life.

life is emanent life and tissue-skin emanent is sheave-skin organism.

Leon Brillouin in Science and Information Theory, quoted in Patrick
Meredith, Instruments of Communication: "There is obviously a certain
expenditure of energy in the process of writing, but we find no trace of
the energy on the written page. There is no visible negentropy left
either, yet the information is there, completely dissociated from these
other elements."

then reading is the coagulation-energy from the anysign catalyst which is
a pharmacopeia of the real. and then anita berber chora-choratic wanders
anysign. withdraw the name and the real puckers and withdraws; fluids
circulate, and it is clear, among less important things, that 'object of
anita berber' construes a proper name only in its abandonment. anysign is
crutch, any utterance prosthetic.

object of anita berber and ghosts of important things


objects of syrup and meditation


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