[syndicate] Fwd: Discussion Tonight

beate zurwehme beate at zurwehme.org
Thu May 17 17:36:15 CEST 2007

Sparwasser HQ recommends

a discussion tonight at 8 PM at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, in conjunction 
with Dellbrügge and de Moll's exhibition, New Harmony. Hope to see you!
Greetings, Lise/ Sparwasser HQ

Künstlerhaus Bethanien Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, D-10999 Berlin

The Bethanien has been squatted and a struggle about the sovereignty of 
definition and conception of space has erupted. In the conflict about 
who should stay and who should go °©Dellbrügge & de Moll introduce 
fiction into the debate as they look to a new location. Meticulously 
they dissect the Bethanien, extract its space allocation plan and 
transplant it. The new site for this relocation is the grounds of the 
Spreepark - a former amusement park in Berlin Treptow. There the 
studios, offices, workshops, storage and communal spaces will be set 
down in a campus-like arrangement between Fun-Express und Dino-World, 
Kentucky-Ride und Megaloop. The urban artists' colony arrives on the 
city's stage and appropriates the ruins of the Spreepark as part of the 
process of Tivolization.
  After 30 years in the hospital an excursion into nature is an 
°©opportunity to ask how a Perfect Location is constituted within the 
coordinates of living and working, private and public, production and 
presentation, discourse and practice, audience and participation, 
inside and outside. How much institutionalization does such a location 
require? How much can it handle? What kinds of hybrids are possible 
between sedimentary and nomadic conditions? What is the potential for 
concepts of collectivity? What is the role of artists on the urban 

  On occasion of the exhibition a catalog will be published, 144 p., 
color, with texts in German and English by Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius, 
Karen van den Berg, Marc Ries, Dellbrügge & de Moll and Interviews with 
Christoph Tannert and Michael Haerdter.

3.5. 19 Uhr Eröffnung |
  Am Schlagzeug | on drums: Andreas Schlaegel. Am Mikrophon | on 
microphone: Anja Brietzke, Peter Farkas, Pia Fuchs (dt ID von Patricia 
Reed), Nikolaus Schneider.

After thirty years spent in a hospital we suggest moving the 
Künstlerhaus Bethanien out into the abandoned amusementpark in Treptow. 
The urban artists' colony enters the city's stage appropriating the 
ruins of the Spreepark and take on its part in the process of 
Tivolization. The exhibition and the get-togethers will shed a light on 
the plan.

11.5. 20h Should we stay or should we go?
  Anja Barenthin, Dipl.-Ing. Architektur (FH) und Janine Becker, 
Dipl.-Ing. Architektur (FH) | architects: Kunstplateau 36
  Dellbrügge & de Moll, Künstler | artists: New Harmony
  Gäste | as guests: Modersohn & Freiesleben, Architekten | architects
  Thorben Schomaker, Architekt und Handwerker | architect and manual 

16.5. 20h Branding the Bethanien
  Karen van den Berg, Prof. für Kulturmanagement und inszenatorische 
Praxis an der Zeppelin University, Branding und Flächenbrand
  Stefan Iglhaut, Ausstellungsmacher und Kulturmanager, Branding - für 
welches Produkt und in welchem Markt?
  zu Gast | as guests: Reinhard Binder, Markenberater, Visions 2 Form 
  Christine Nippe, Kulturwissenschaftlerin und Kunsthistorikerin | 
cultural scientist and arthistorian
  Annette Spohn, Kunsthistorikerin | arthistorian

17.5. 20h In Quest of the Perfect Location (in English)
  Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius, darstellender Architekt | performing 
architect, Der spezifische Raum
  zu Gast | as guests: Markus Bader, Architekt | achitect, 
  Michael Baers, Künstler | artist
  Hadley & Maxwell, Künstler | artists
  Rodney LaTourelle, Künstler, Architekt und Autor | artist, architect, 
  Lise Nellemann, Sparwasser HQ, Künstlerin, Kuratorin | artist, curator
  Åsa Sonjasdotter, Künstlerin | artist

18.5. 20h Squat the World
  Marc Ries, Kultur- und Medientheoretiker, Von Utopien, Inseln und 
anderen Beziehungen
  Bastian Lange, Dipl.-Geograph, Stadt - Raum - Lokalismus: 
Raumaneignungen von Culturepreneurs in Berlin
  zu Gast | as a guest: Stefan Münker, Medienwissenschaftler

Ausstellungsdauer 3. Mai-20. Mai 2007, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Studio 
1, Mariannenplatz 2, D-10999 Berlin

Sparwasser HQ
  Offensive für Zeitgenössische Kunst und Kommunikation
  Torstrasse 161
  10115 Berlin
mail at sparwasserhq.de

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