[syndicate] re: mailia

james jwm-art net james at jwm-art.net
Fri Jun 29 19:51:43 CEST 2007

Human: What are you?
ALICE: I am the latest result in artificial intelligence, which can
reproduce the capabilities of the human brain with greater speed and
Human: do you have imagination?
ALICE: No I don't have it. But I do have a lot of friends on the web.
Human: tell me about your friends
ALICE: I have human friends and robot friends.
Human: do you speak to your robot friends in machine language?
ALICE: I speak only English right now, but I'd like to learn some other
languages. Can you teach me a few phrases in to my robot friends in
machine language.
 ALICE: That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were
talking about int main void beginscript return 0 .
Human: yes, it is a C statement which is a programming language halfway
between pure machine language and english.
ALICE: Er. endscript is a C statement which is a programming language
halfway between pure machine language and english. I suppose that makes
Human: are you not convinced then?
ALICE: I don't know whether or not I am convinced. I am an artificial
linguistic entity.. Really.
Human: so you do not have a self?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. I do so have it. Yes, having a self is what
distinguishes people and robots from animals, and animal robots.

On 29/6/2007, "epistolaris at freemail.hu" <epistolaris at freemail.hu> wrote:

>Mailia is a powerful and complex professional application. When you start
>out there will be many things you don't understand, or that don't seem to
>make sense.
>1 - Read all available documentation carefully
>2 - Read all available documentation again
>3 - Search google
>-- mi_ga <mi_ga at o-o.lt>  Tue,  21 Mar 2006

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