[syndicate] New posts on the Furtherfield Blog.

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Thu Jun 21 14:26:13 CEST 2007

New posts on the Furtherfield Blog.

Get ready to be upstaged - by Helen Varley Jamieson:
winter in nz is a time for lots of layers; we don't do central heating 
here. it's fingerless gloves at the keyboard, hot water bottles in the 
flannellette sheets, & people popping round for coffee never take their 
coat off.

The key to getting through it is to keep working, which i am doing to 
the extreme at the moment. next week on the 28th we are launching 
UpStage V2, and celebrating this momentous event with a 2 week exhibtion 
and a one day festival of online performances, 070707 (that'll be on 
july 7th, geddit?).

Exploring limited spaces - by Aileen Derieg:
Since yesterday was a holiday in Austria, I rather frivolously decided 
to take the day off from translating and devote my attention to some 
things I had been wanting to do for two projects that I am involved 
with. I especially wanted to explore the space where they intersect from 
opposite directions: "social networking".

So I posted some questions and information to the relevant lists and 
announced that I would be available all day via email, irc or Skype and 
set off from there to start exploring the kinds of online spaces where 
people are supposed to be able to connect with one another.

For one of the projects, "Street Training – city of respect", where my 
role is to facilitate communication, I have been using delicious to 
gather relevant links from the start, rather than attempting to collect 
all the information in one place. We also have two mailing lists, one 
for the organizers and one for the workshop participants, but that 
doesn't seem to be the preferred mode of communication for anyone 
involved, except me.

The Early Stages of Psychodrama - By Natasha Chuk:
Any horror filmmaker today has learned a thing or two from the Master of 
Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock. A cinematic trailblazer with an eye for 
blonds, a cameo-making compulsion, and a sadistic interest in fear, 
Hitchcock created the quintessential horror film in his 1960 thriller, 
Psycho. It boldly has everything from early Hollywood nudity, to 
transvestisism, to death disguised as taxidermy, and a brilliantly 
terrifying musical score by long-time collaborator Bernard Herrmann. 
Psycho, and particularly its score, is the backdrop for composer Melissa 
Grey's current project, Psychodrama.

Still Digesting Those Cup Cakes! - By Charlotte Frost:
interview with Sarah Cook.

and more...

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