[syndicate] A Memex Wall - Superfactory(TM) & mi_ga

e at various-euro.com
Sun Jun 17 11:46:15 CEST 2007

A Memex Wall
Superfactory(TM) & mi_ga

lauf.werk . tmp . data.rescue .
fr 22. - so 24. juni 07
eroeffnung fr 18 Uhr
medien.projekt.raum /tmp
luetzowstr 20 . d - 10785 berlin
u-bahn kurfürstentrasse

A Memex Wall
Superfactory(TM) in a cooperation with mi_ga

Rapid flow of letters and numbers on a monitor wall has nothing to do
with chaos theory which can cause big disruptions in our world. It has
also nothing to do with hackers world as one would like to say. Thus we
show the monitor wall within a context of "memex game" a "memory
extender" game, the term of which was used to call a proto-hypertext
computer system influencing the development of subsequential hypertext
and intellectual augmenting computer systems. A "memex game" is a visual
translation of that complex systems proposed by Vannevar Bush back in
1945. Here you get to know exciting people of the scene - the hacker
artisan, the peer-to-peer oparist, the open source ego, etc. - all
necessary to build up a more or less complex structure of contemporary
economy and politics. The monitor wall or a Bookshelf how originally was
called, represents a network traffic translated into descriptive form,
so the unseen side of "networking" would be understandable or at least
readable. In a technical terms the flow of letters and numbers on the
monitors would sound like 'tcpdump', a common computer network debugging

In the game you have to find certain motives with as few clicks as
possible and as quick as possible. With click on 'neues Spiel' (new
game) for a short time nine pictures are shown, whose situation must be
reminded! You start the game with 100 points, each second is started one
point is taken and each wrong click costs 3 points. Score as much points
as possible and be a winner! Much fun and success!

ASCII MEMEX Game "Be A Winner!"


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. lauf.werk . tmp . data.rescue .
. das abschluss.event des medien.projekt.raum /tmp


. location .


. ...

c:\\medien.projekt.raum /tmp>luetzowstr20



f:\\gdk.galerie.der.künste /1+2.og>potsdamer.str78

. oeffnungszeiten .

. fr 22. - so 24. juni 07 .

. fr + sa 18 uhr . open end .

. so 14 - 18 uhr .

. eroeffnung fr 18 Uhr . medien.projekt.raum /tmp

medien.projekt.raum /tmp
luetzowstr 20 . d - 10785 berlin
tel 030 - 327 06 310
www.slash-tmp.de / www.adhoc.slash-tmp.de


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