[syndicate] [quarkr] 6/01/2007 05:10:00 AM

Bjørn Magnhildøen noemata at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 19:26:04 CEST 2007

another way of writing would be the keyboard

h - home
g - previous
j - i move forward
l - future
q - before your parents were born
z - ground zero
u - united horizon
n - numbers
m - man
: - logic
7 - character for .......
# - the matrix
% - interactions
& - meditation
{ - profie
= - double line, equality, representation
? - the labyrinth
+ - cartesian
* - hierarchy
~ - waves
. - particle
! - positivism etc.
" - ghost
$ - snake
; - string
( - epoche
@ - sleep
£ - furniture
[ - window
^ - weather
< - eye

now we can write with renewed meaning

aglkawe 4io3w5u358isdkjg 3289udslkitu 384wetuf3'
dlfjweortulbnawdlkrewiyrw5saifas "#%asfsdfkhas€%/dg sakdgh(
lwkfewvnr sagasd€% lksadlg asgasg !" kag asg &) edlkj€/ gg#€

decodes into a day in the life

given ASCII 128/256 maybe concepts the key

<> - also good bad
<] - eye-window, maybe glasses
<[ - myopic
<8 - 3d, perspective
<< - check
== - the world is as it is
(( - isolation
€ - exploitation
1 - the hinge
2 - circumvention
3 - drive
4 - civilization
5 - squaring of the circle
6 - spiral, circling of the circle

now we can do math

3 + 5 = idealistic motivation
8 - the double
spiral - civilization = circumvention

finally, we have a new language
a cat walks across the keyboard citing hegel
which proves the immaculate nature of everything

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