[syndicate] Any news

A. G-C guibertc at criticalsecret.com
Tue Feb 27 05:33:57 CET 2007

I wonder what arrives in Clément's life, it appears to me that he has not
sent one message since a lot of time... Is he working to his book, or in a
journey somewhere over sea? Anyway, I hope that he is in good health.

So here is the link to the catalog of four books that makes Criticalsecret
publisher... Among which the one with Clément's drawings which is still
actual as ELECTRE has accepted the two serial books in their very exclusive
listing of new books. They have called them "books of reference".

In your different countries If you know any booksellers being collector of
FR books it could be fine to inform him with our catalog...

http://www.criticalsecret.com/catalog _print



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