[syndicate] 3_nu

A. G-C guibertc at criticalsecret.com
Thu Feb 15 01:46:58 CET 2007

Really what I think over all effect of style [but I am attentive to what
every one experiments from the blogs] :

There was a splendid world wide web that was unlimited predictable

A meta web is born, sharing the question of the maximal transitivity, of the
maximal visibility, of the maximal speed of editing, of the maximal
bandwidth to tribute the visual stream, disappearing the perceptible form of
the organic style to credit the maximal abstraction as a maximal concept of
the flow ; the excessive point of post modern art at the moment it reaches
its extremity -- its point of radical evil -- : the real disappearance of
the anecdote as if the form itself be anecdote.

The term is the inside contemplation of eternity -- before death.

Just do it as read it not think it : tense stream, stock 0. In this bridge
there are not anymore signs (the signs as said Baudrillard in the political
economy of the sign - emergent from the generalization of the commodity);
there are not more than sensory alerts and behavior which the alerts summon
by the way of answer or change the answer.

The www died from the code which had given it the life.

>From the part of the free software it is as an excessive mother becoming an
unfair mother.

MySpace - the world jail of the butterflies -- infernal light in the
obsolete times of the paradox as highest visibility on the web, thanks the
fortune of the cost of the bandwidth which uses its power by presenting the
domination as a gift.

There is no alternative to MySpace, no eScapeMe nor other spaces being free.
All confers to the same media which one day or another day turns into the
fate of the meta jail.

As for the blogs, whatever you will hack with or from it, blogs are the
place of your best visibility by the vector and by the cops giving them the
economy of visit you, just receiving you;-) Ang Google grows and grows in
something very much informal and soft than former Bill Gates, but so much
more terrible :

Your site interest us : not the contents but the importance of whom -- which
things or actors from the vectorization of the economy are coming and
receiving you. 

Here is the time of http://www.webrankinfo.com/google/pagerank/index.php

The time of the end of the contents as economic value but they buy the sites
of which the contents interest any lobbies.
But the duality stays in any consideration such as: do you think or not that
the bank of the sites is independent from this sort of site:

http://copyrightfrance.com/phtml/index.php ? - but our national singularity
of the new deal of the contents correlated to the bank of the flow as
disappearance of the contents by exceeding the sense of information credited
by Google realizing the cognitive web;-)

We cross over a strange world of the realization of the imaginative
scientific solutions from which the content has not the time of express its
signification but value the behavior in regards of the stream, returning few
to few to its predictable value as content - but not the form itself. Just
something performing the adaptation of the differences.


On 14/02/07 15:26, "fmadre at free.fr" <fmadre at free.fr> probably wrote:

> ----- Message de cl3mos at gmail.com ---------
>> WE
>> ALL
> yes, that is what I think
> it is the alternative to:
> we must buy every new product that corporations make available
> not
> f.
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