[syndicate] \\ sto tbi delaesh

0f0003 | maschinenkunst n2o at ggttctttat.com
Sun Dec 9 08:06:39 CET 2007

 > I realize that "it is unsafe to release any intellectual property  
 >Cycling74 INC and its employees and clandestine agents can access  
and defile it",

da da da. c74 = jankee rap!ztz best!e++. n!e mehr. n!e mehr.
1001 eyelash p!ruetz  -.o

 >however might it not be possible to view the results of said  
projects >publicly without paying ~$3000USD for a license of the  
software in

plz !nzert addtl ko!nz !n dze v.pret! zlot mask!n   -.-

 >question?  I am very interested in immune.play as well as the original
 > nebula.m81, and would very much like to view your websites from  
days gone by.

u th!nk mor ov uat haz b!n dzn uat shl b.  o.-


More seriously - the copy protection was childhood, thus it was not  
the 74 cyclists that killed IT
[one can only steal 'sex'/the bits] but ... 'the unpronounceable'

While comingling with walmart74 + similarly dopey/passionless/ 
desacralized pop.tarts is of 0 interest,
Balkan.OS may trace/skrrrrrratch a curve GENTLY + not so GENTLY upon the
multi.world occident horizon

 > (I realize fully well that all old URLs now point to great black  
 > the web

Ya niznaju. ya zabil. Pravda.

 >, but even with the great "Cwings was here" campaign, there
 > one trace of your work left -held under anticopyright, which is
 > at best- which I am interested in.)
 > If it is impossible for me to obtain a dumbed down version of the
 > for this purpose, is it possible for me to view video  
presentations of
 >your exhibits and sites from over the years?

Memories age gracefully (still) but they may not be copied.
Bits don't age gracefully (yet) but they may be copied.
Ce te intereseaza mai mult +?


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