[syndicate] Superfactory(TM) Spring in the East - Mini Tour

Matze Schmidt matze.schmidt at n0name.de
Sun Apr 22 08:06:06 CEST 2007


Spring in the East - Mini Tour

( )

Radioturm Europaplatz

"Ringsendung Riga 2007"

3 hours making of radio with Open Fake Stream(TM), not "Real" real
stream, noise and more noise and endless free software, Mini-FM and
(maybe) 1:1 Helmet Radio, Plug-in Party for transformers and Tense for
the hearing Synthesizerbody.

Space Building

We celebrate 1000 Years of Radio in an ultra quick week of Hoerspiel.
Do you remember the design of the Ringsendungen, the perfect hookup for
the circular social band? We will set up this globalized network
en miniature on a table with Mini-FM transmitters and notebooks.
Brecht and Enzensberger were right, but Baudrillard was righter, wasn't
he? Can you see the future of your MurdochSpace? Event 65 years later
(since 1942) it's not yours, don't take it!

A project of Superfactory(TM)

sponsored by

piradio  gradio.org  radi0.tv (Berlin)

Friday, 27th April
Riga Centre for New Media Culture - RIXC

Riga Centre for New Media Culture - RIXC
11 Novembra Krastmala 35 - 201
LV 1050 Riga
Ph: +371 7228478
Fax: +371 7228477
e-mail: rixc (at) rixc.lv

Superfactory(TM) in denglish

"The problem is NOT copyright or licences, stupid!
It's production."

Informational Free Jazz

We don't want to show "informational free jazz" = synonym 
for free labour but the combination of a production process 
with a point of sale. And there is hard work on hardware!

The Superfactory(TM) does not believe in immaterial work 
as the new new paradigm of capitalism. 
And there is no doubt, that radio exists under capitalistic 
circumstances. Sure, for real work in a real factory you need 
to buy the labour of the workers. But here in this mix of a 
factory with a supermarket you can exploit yourself. Sit down 
and assemble a transmitter and then do a better than good radio 
show for the people out there! It takes not more than 15 minutes
of your lifetime-value (or more. YOU decide!).

more http://www.superfactory.biz/concept.html

Saturday, 28th April
Culture Communication Centre of Klaipeda - CCCK

German Culture Days 2007 in Klaipeda

Klaipeda Culture Communication Center - CCCK
Darzu str. 10/ Baznyciu str. 4
LT – 91246, Klaipeda
Tel./fax.: + 370 46 310 357
E-mail: centras (at) kulturpolis.lt

MP3 Audiolivestream

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