[syndicate] Post closing

A. G-C guibertc at criticalsecret.com
Sat Sep 30 19:18:00 CEST 2006

    Dear Fredéric and to all friends,

    At some distance of yesterday, coming the time for close the debate far
from the poignant... We have something in common, whatever you want or does
not want but a fact: neither Pleine peau, nor Criticalsecret, nevertheless
each one being so much different (as well their objects as well their
formalizations), even notoriously you disgust my representative part of
synergy standing out from it, neither of us take place in MySpace at the
actual,  in a deliberated way, even in the form of the disagreement  to be
linked among " the friends " (that would include our self one mySpace). But
whatever any of us may be has proper friends in it.

Wish you a good Sunday,

(:as I am probably oldest than you are ‹just for remind:)

Apologizes for my bad English


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