More precision/ Re: [syndicate] Un lien pour le rock

fmadre at fmadre at
Fri Sep 29 13:34:00 CEST 2006

Quoting "A. G-C" <guibertc at>:
> Sorry to have problem of clear expression in this language.

it's ok. if I don't understand I ask...

> V2 being at last the intervenant final major in your independent work as an
> obligation to be viewed as official publication,

why do you perceive this as an obligation ? I spend a hell of a lot of
money on
records every month and I have no concern about the officiality of the
here's where I got the last record I received
here's more stuff I bought recently
I'm not buying any elli medeiros material because I expect it to be
crap, that's

what I think, aliette, is that for some reason I have yet to fully grasp you
have an issue about independence and the avant-garde. you keep on declaring
that this does not exist anymore, but it does. Still it bothers you that it
does and you keep announcing things like:
> Minor alternative is over ‹unfortunately

it is not
it is thriving


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