[syndicate] Un lien pour le rock

A. G-C guibertc at criticalsecret.com
Fri Sep 29 11:56:02 CEST 2006

1. The editor of the album is properly Elli (V2) not a Major ; you know
exactly how in the strategy of the music major editors nowadays it would not
be possible have a such album but by herself outside (that explains the long
time to edify this work that Majors wanted but did not accept as free
creation in all the gifts and sounds). It is an alternative edition by
author and producers even produced notably by Daho who have worked in the
same conditions.
Exactly as numerous free poet publishing sometimes here having a public ISBN

2. You are not the police of this list as in other time was the form of your
charismatic force to command irremediable or nettime-fr-raw (as I am not
still in them thanks your help) specially irremediable where you have
convinced the consensus of two other leaderships, I cannot know if it is
still available.

3. Was not joke but really what I think of Elli, she is a sort of Gainsbourg
she... NOT THE PRODUCTION BUT THE POETRY and the relationship between the
text and the music in their songs.

4. She is powerfully charming men and women (sorry if she's not such as you
would prefer but she is even I should prefer sometimes otherwise at the viex
of the impact in the life, whatever we would be in conflict or in friendship
‹ depending the moments as we know ourselves since a long time).

5. Nothing was ever given to her. She had to transform all that she hopes by
working (drawings and creation, or model in the moment she wait the next

Reactive jalousie as a thread following the last years against the otherness
has never give place to a relevant criticism. To whom? To mine or that of

I feel well being each other with her hard sister (she my little one Indian
one and Wendy my twin black one) since we were...may be still children

Sorry to have hurt your sensibility.

But thanks to give me the occasion for any more explanations


On 29/09/06 10:17, "S/U/N" <s.u.n at free.Fr> probably wrote:

> No comercials in that space please.
> By ze way
> vos jeux de mots sont à chier
> A. G-C a écrit :
>> Ni Patti ni Marianne, Elli défie/dédie Gainsbourg (?)
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