[syndicate] Superfactory(TM) on tour in Lithuania

e at various-euro.com
Fri Sep 1 21:18:31 CEST 2006

Superfactory(TM) on tour in Lithuania

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     \/                                 *

Workshop & Lecture @ whale in baltic
Nida - Lithuania - 02.09.-08.09.06

Summer Facilities of the Vilnius Academy of Arts
(Vilniaus Dailes Akademijos Praktikos Dirbtuves)
Taikos g. 43
93012 Neringa-Nida
Lietuva (Lithuania)

Workshop + Plug-In-Party + Live-Stream!
@ Club INTRO - Vilnius - Lithuania
09.09.06 - 17:00-20:00 EET (GMT+2)
Maironio 3 (near St. Anna's Church)

Bring along your mp3, lp, cd & tape players, md recorders, radio
receivers, laptops, records, cds, mds, mp3s ...

Broadcasting live from 17:00-20:00 EET (GMT+2) on local MHz and
Audiolivestream: http://www.superfactory.biz:7998/listen.pls

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|    ..  Superfactory(TM)                                             |
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|  N             /\              |    ^        |             |        |
|  C         Prosumers enter     |_____________|             |        |
|  E         the Shop Floor                                  V        |
|                                Volks-Invaders                       |
|                                Play & Win a                2        |
|                                Mini-FM Kit + CD        __________   |
|                                                       |          |  |
|             5                   6                     |          |  |
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|     |____|    ||_____||                 \      |      |__________|  |
|               |_______|                        |                    |
|    live TV Superfactory      MP3-Audio         |       Mini-FM      |
|    ASCII Channel             Livestream        |       Workshop     |
|                  ^     ^                   O   |       DIY**        |
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|               Plug-in Party              Free OC* broadcasting      |
|                                          & receiving on MHz         |
| ____                                                                |
| * OC = Open Content                                                 |
| ** DIY = Do-it-yourself                                             |
(c) 2006 Superfactory(TM)


(0) As a Prosumer you enter the shop floor
(1) Play the game and win
(2) Join the DIY building of Mini-FM kits at the workshop
(3) Make up your own pirate radio station and broadcast
(4) Join the Plug-in Party together with other Prosumers
(5) Be revolutionary televised live! on Superfactory ASCII Channel TV
(6) WWW - MP3-Audio-Livestream

We don't want to show "informational free jazz" = synonym for free
labour but the combination of a production process with a point of sale.
And there is hard work on hardware!

The Superfactory(TM) does not believe in immaterial work as the new new
paradigm of capitalism. And there is no doubt, that radio exists under
capitalistic circumstances. Sure, for real work in a real factory you
need to buy the labour of the workers. But here in this mix of a factory
with a supermarket you can exploit yourself. Sit down and assemble a
transmitter and then do a better than good radio show for the people out
there! It takes not more than 15 minutes of your lifetime-value (or
more. YOU decide!).

Join the Plug-in Party together with other Prosumers and don't forget to
bring materials for Superfactory(TM) Plug-in Party!


Superfactory(TM) http://www.superfactory.biz

Matze Schmidt, Karsten Asshauer, mi_ga, Martin Kuentz, Babzi 

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