[syndicate] The Homefront

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sat Oct 14 00:18:24 CEST 2006

The Homefront


I'm too fucking dispirited by nettime to write coherently about this
piece; needless to say it's accessgrid material; I had hoped for a singer;
none emerged; this is the remnant; nonetheless it works; it's a shofar to
blow down the walls of prejudice; of hatred in the guise of critique; of
stalinism in the guise of reason; it's a basher of dictators; destroyer of
corrections; destroyer of correctness; it's the voice of the death of the
left; it's the voice of intolerance; it's the destroyer of intolerance; I
never knew I had so many enemies; I'd take their vocal cords and strangle
them; I'd force them to listen to the shofar; I'd rip their skulls out; I
wouldn't take yes for an answer; this clears the air; this burns the air;
this radiates; if nettime represents the left, critical spirit, god help
us all.

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