[syndicate] no-thing, that you engorge me;

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Mon Nov 20 05:53:31 CET 2006

no-thing, that you engorge me;

no-thing, that you engorge me;
no-thing, you engorge me,
surpassed, as a gorge itself
engorge me; you remember pouring upon you, altitude.
greedily i engorge on her http://www.asondheim.org/gorge.mp4
reading, partially hidden by trees by the side of the gorge - while
at land, mount, gorge images - god : gorgeaa : gorgeab o : gorgead o : you
are to be surpassed, as a gorge itself and every symbol :<> mouth opened
gorge gorge greens ground groundzero h h
gorge greens gorge ground greens groundzero ground h groundzero hiway hold
over the road lane-jamming. the pass through the virgin river gorge and
gorge tzu-k greenz tzu-k mounta!nwake tzu-k uould DzE! ZA!D lv :  pm bomb
uorlda kale godzlv ru gorge ned greenz mozz rad poet o% mud g kuer read
yah yah yah
yah yah yah
yah yah yah
yah yah yah
yah yah yah

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