[syndicate] octopus chased by train

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Fri Nov 17 17:14:37 CET 2006

octopus chased by train


inside, we huddle within ourselves, medieval grange warming us for the
next chain or bluff or cliff, the abandoned resort in the midst of
whistling winds, emptied church of all but brilliant sound, fingers
gracing keys; now the little party has moved out of doors, what delight {
} immersion now ascending now descending such thinned air { }:lost-body-
skins slough from miracles of movement, inflationary moments of universal
depth, O Maud! O Foofwa! Thou conquerest thine ridges of hunger taut
against meadow and moraine! civilization floods from thine arms and legs,
hands and feet, neck and torso, waist and hair. Weirdness of furies tamed
by grange and goat, Alpine chough and sparrow, fawn and fog, the weather
darkling towards the welkin's eve, enormous face of the world
inconceivably thrusting towards the stars { }:smeared and teetering across
the landscape of exaltation, glacial exhalation as the enormous lip
withdraws from the teeth of the snow-time Alpine wilderness, gorgeous
bodies flux themselves deeper into the new Dawn of human technics, rattled
and open to wheeling the precipice; prepuce and foreskin, cauterization
and catalysis: who could imagine such beauty of bodies breathing in the
purity of lungs swollen with energy and delight {} ::graffiti of useless
deterritorializations { } ravaged city industry { } sharpened teeth of
suburban wolves { } poisoned waters { } dead polluted air { } graffiti of
useless deterritorializations { } cauterization of the human soul { }


Devour lost cauterization of the human soul { } Brought Forth through
inside, we huddle within ourselves, medieval grange warming us for the
next chain or bluff or cliff, the abandoned resort in the midst of
whistling winds, emptied church of all but brilliant sound, fingers
gracing keys; now the little party has moved out of doors, what delight {
} immersion now ascending now descending such thinned air { }!


Octopus choreographed by Foofwa d'Imobilite Danced by Foofwa d'Imobilite
and Maud Liardon Videotaped by Foofwa d'Imobilite Mise en abyme by Alan
Sondheim Videotaped train by Alan Sondheim Special effects and editing by
Alan Sondheim Site by Foofwa d'Imobilite and Alan Sondheim Assistance by
Azure Carter Driver Alan Sondheim


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