[syndicate] (VOTE &) deploy, he said, the devouring powers of light

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Tue Nov 7 14:25:00 CET 2006

deploy, he said, the devouring powers of light

all natural languages have precisely the same degree of complexity.
'destroy, she said', 'primitive, he said', 'enjoy, he said', 'deploy,
she said.'
to deconstruct is neither to analyze nor to take apart.
you can't argue with an aphorism.
'code' is more than structure, structure is more than substructure,
substructure is more than equivalence, organism is less than code.
throw out everything you know about animal behavior and culture;
humans are just beginning to discover civilization.
our knowledge is not our own.
humans construct the only deliberate, calculated, and universal
everything an enemy, every enemy a thing.
take the man from the woman and kill him.
binary oppositions replace cultural capital with economic capital.
there are dozens of types of war and at any time we are engaged
in at least a quarter of them.
do not ask for whom the bell tolls; ask who made the bell.
an aphorism makes the man.
reality is imaginary's monotonic.
or the romanticism of the real is the classicism of the imaginary.
projection kills and introjection devours.
or introjection suppurates and projection wounds.
murder is wild war.
if i want a word with you, the word i want is 'you.'
give away your sex and there goes your reputation.
give away your reputation and here comes your sex.
public masturbation constructs the truth of the real for audience and
masturbater alike.
faunal extinction takes humans home.
sex kills and slaughter entertains.
eroticism is the neocon of sexual war.
the aphoristic is the final refuge of the defeated.
aphorisms are always otherwise.

devouring waters of li(f)(gh)t

colonized by light
light = colonization of invisible matter
invisible matter = universal organism
organism = colonialization
colony = territorialization
release the light! deterritorialize!


dancer: Filibert Tologo
stage: la Salle des Eaux-Vives, Geneve

throw out everything we know about the future of the human race:
there isn't any, anything recognizable.
throw out everything we know about animal behaviour and culture:
we're blind and will remain so, driving species to extinction.

these are the truths brought to us by dance and culture:
dance and culture brings Signs from Worlds eaten by light.
dance and culture have no territory:
Worlds disappear, tethered to exhausted Signs.

At first I thought this period is the end of prehistory, that history only
begins with the definitive event of the large-scale disappearance of hu-
mans across an earth ruined by nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare.
The future of history is hyperhistory; all other histories meander through
fractured sememes destined to disappear.

Then I thought this period is the beginning of prehistory, towards the
potential of the mute, the moot point, the unacknowledged pivot or hinge,
the elimination of all evidence of the pivot, which after all is spread
across space and time, reaching far behind us for example, extending far
ahead of us for example. This prehistory may be followed by nothing in
terms of familiar inscription; it may be followed by a superfluity of
familiar inscription; it may be all or nothing, open or closed.

But whether or not this is the end or beginning of prehistory, it is the
continuation of the brute, inert, violence of our existence, scabbing and
devouring beyond the carrying-capacity of the earth - it is the continua-
tion or the end of our existence, the violence itself carrying-on, residue
far beyond lifespans, half-lifespans, sintering of the remnants of debris.

throw out, throw out, throw out

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