[syndicate] just

Aliette Guibert guibertc at criticalsecret.com
Thu Mar 9 21:26:54 CET 2006

Of course, I was going there recently so he is going there just after me:) 
He is so young I am so old: what can be more "natural" that he follows me in 
distance, as former avant-garde to learn of his own one but sorry if the 
subject has overcome as any numerous younger even than ctgr have gone to 
India earlier than us...

Can be he is one between any few or rare but effective very happy hands to 
hurt my works online, but there is a difference more between us: whatever he 
goes he's always meeting himself he. That cannot happens to me as current 
otherness - you know that madness is otherness more heterotopia - searching 
for otherness as my any diverse same.

Ctgr-same of the same ctgr will never can know of the difference, as he 
considers it is something which makes trouble to his surego. A heavy 
contradiction with all the world...

Suddenly I understand what and how the net abuses can happen: what it is 
near the real vision of retrocolonialist net art to otherness, that 
corresponds to the current experiment practices online, it is of otherness 
in the same vision than prime touristic racism ( when it was just opened by 
the colonialism in the times of native photography ).

Can be a pity -not a surprise

Any late old babies are they really more funny than any " vieille " former 
mother ans still grand mother which assumes open sky?

"Mother of invention" he said?

To be clever or stupid it is not the question of expert or unexpert hands, 
it is of the open mind between others.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Luining" <email at ctrlaltdel.org>
To: <syndicate at anart.no>
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 12:58 AM
Subject: Re: [syndicate] just

> ctgr-pavu.com wrote:
>> and the executief bureau
>> http://ctgr.free.fr/india/sadu.jpg
>> any powerful hardware to be purchased here
>> http://ctgr.free.fr/india/PINE-Sales-Corp.jpg
> you start to look like a copy of Dirk...
> maybe you just spent to much time


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