[syndicate] Encore !???

A. G-C guibertc at criticalsecret.com
Wed Mar 8 18:28:57 CET 2006

I repeat my post as it appears that the first one was not received (by the
problem which Loy told of
in a precedent email)

Hello Loy

Sorry of my misunderstanding.

Of course I know of bugs and there were bugs as sometimes stopping the
sending system, in this case I am patient or just informing of it. But that
was not of our problem yesterday and more it concerned something which
happened for a week ago to the another really problematic list in matter of
conflict of powers till to make damage to the interface from unknown parts:
nettime-fr-raw. It was obvious and notorious to several eyes. Other
interventions ‹even not hack‹ I mean of possible legitimate more expert
entries, which happened obviously to nettime-fr-raw at certain moments and
in progress since several months.

So I was afraid that suddenly anything same would possible ad coming to our
new list that is unmoderate but thanks a critical but respectful protocol
between each ones (netetiquette (?).. Can be a rule to avoid flames that we
do not want anymore on the list of which it is not one of the thematic.

Being a list to inform and to work without to much frequent emails- (we hope
so for the next). 

I do not know from which part but everything appears ok since yesterday
midday on nettime-fr-raw.newmorning. Something as a restart from a backup
seems to have been done as it is not exactly the same graphic options of the
interface but all it is right and in order yet now.

Or only the commands by emails which are not available but it does not
matter, we command by the way of interactive interface. It seems that this
problem can be general, but strangely a possible accidental and unvolontar
consequence since the issue of the first conflict of power in the list
nettime-fr-raw about six months ago.

It is not more important to know from which part and of what (bugs becoming
from hostil expert/non expert comportments or bugs/bugs) but that the sad
practices can self-stop from the respective parts who made it. And there
will be no more problem.

 So I was not calling for the police, but by a possible way to be heard I
was merely asking for the repair.

All my apologizes and my thanks



On 8/03/06 13:44, "[ lo-y ]" <lo-y at lo-y.domainepublic.net> probably wrote:

> Dear Aliette,
> I'm not able to do anything to your list. I'm just one of the admins of
> syndicate and _arc.hive_ . I can do exactly the same things for those two
> lists as you can do for nettime-fr-raw.newmorning. The reason i was the one
> to hear first about the server change is because i have been corresponding
> with the copyleft people about a website i'm making that resides on their
> server (a new project for syndicate).
> So, if something goes wrong, first keep in mind that indeed bugs do happen
> every so often on every server, and yes, sometimes they do 'go away by
> themselves' (which probably means one of the copyleft ppl fixed it -
> sometimes it's just restarting a service). second, you have a lot of
> options in the admin panel for your list, so it's a good idea to go and
> check out all of them and addapt them to your needs.
> If there appears to be a real, persisting problem, no one on syndicate can
> do something about it. you better contact the copyleft ppl (as you managed
> to create a list on anart.no, i guess you know their support email addres -
> if not contact me offlist)
> re: your address being spammed, i don't know what kind of spams you got,
> but as soon as you use an addres on public lists, and even more if it can
> be found on a website, spammers will find it and put it in their databases
> (not targetting you, just randomly targetting every one), and after a while
> you might get dozens of spam each day. that's 'normal', all of us suffer
> from it.
> oh yeah, and please remember that the (presumed) anger one reads in emails
> is usually ones own anger rather than that of the writer.
> groetjes,
> lo_y
> (with a _ between lo and y)
> --
> http://lo-y.domainepublic.net
> http://google.com/search?q=lo_y
> At 08:01 PM 3/7/2006, you wrote:
>> Dear Claudia, the problem that I met was not an impact to syndicate but to
>> nettime-fr-raw.newmorning.
>> Here is my answer but there will be no more one from my part on this subject
>> which is collectively boring. Over all it appears that I was true to ask for
>> any help from here to the other list, as I discover reading your message
>> that Loy is the qualified person to have heard of my demand. I thank him
>> very much.
> <snip>
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