[syndicate] Multi and Peregrine Falcon

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sat Jun 17 03:08:48 CEST 2006

Multi and Peregrine Falcon

the most important five minutes of your life

multi: this is a sequence of images that relate to the presentation of
sellf in everyday virtual life; the images were used in ongoing lecture
series; the analysis is practically implicit; i emphasized the distinction
among first/ second/ third person texts; now this is an archaeology as
well; so many of these applications have disappeared or been transformed;
the principles remain the same, the necessity of continuous rewrite to
indicate presence, ascii sexuality as control structures, defuge as
exhaustion and decathecting of desire under certain circumstances, mixed
spatialities and metaphors, concretions of the analog world within text -
or still or moving image, or sound - http://www.asondheim.org/multi/
- the images constituting the nexus of theoretical apparatus, postcards
from the dead, postmodern pickwick papers, online clubland of everyday
life - take time with them - enlightenment -

posted by alan at 11:49 PM 0 comments links to this post


Now also on the blog - pictures of an incredible peregrine falcon taken on
Bergen Street between Fifth and Flabush, right around the corner from us.
The street gathered around the 'event' which made the news (I was on TV!
YAY!) on New York One. Tonight we went back and the bird is gone; we can
only hope nothing has happened to it - we scoured the neighborhood but
weren't oble to locale him or her.


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