[syndicate] Colours

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Mon Jun 12 02:05:59 CEST 2006


for Bruce Nauman although this is digital to his analog, dynamic to his
static, non-art to his art, anti-poetry to his poetry, post-modern to his
modernism, process to his operator, production to his product, movement to
his stillness, video to his book, internet to his press distribution,
windows to his monad, present-time to his temporality, passive to his
page-turner, odorless to his scent, touchless to his touch, open source to
his proprietary, screen to his binding, hinge to his stapling, copy to his
original, manipulable to his fixity, murmur to his fetish, electronic to
his electric, silicon to his neon, colors to his colors, looking to his
reading, fracture to his artifact, third to his second millennium.

http://www.asondheim.org/colour.mp4 272 k

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