float cable

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sat Jan 14 06:02:36 CET 2006

    float cable 51 is inserted into or removed from clamp 50, a flex stop
    flex and the 4 the art of the float
  http://www.asondheim.org/shuddernaf.mov 15
  http://www.asondheim.org/densely.mp4 3.5
    it, the float assembly flexed sideways a fraction of an inch, 11
    "float" naturally while the ski is being flexed.
    the binding to "float" naturally while the ski is being flexed.
    sailskins where it cannot "float" when the sail is bent or flexed. ...
    flex: effects tip-to-tail stability, float and turning. too stiff and
    atomics's patented full flex design allows the heel and toe to float
    flex design allows the heel and toe to float forward or
    "float" naturally while the ski is being flexed.
    full flex design allows the heel and toe to float forward or
    float forward or back, maintaining the ski's natural flex for
    barrel flex !! spearguns & accessories. atoll float: thats the
    right is extended, then flex perform a face float with
    to "float" naturally while the ski is being flexed.
    are a mini weight forward which float high on the water. jerry flexed
    re*flex"ly ), adv. in a reflex manner; reflectively. refloat (
    flexed v1.5 float planes 2 v1.1  floatmenu v1.5  flood v1.0 ...
    ratio 45. encoder step mode 44, 45, 47. end float 37 single-flex

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