enormous spaces, cavernous spaces

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Thu Jan 12 08:18:00 CET 2006

enormous spaces, cavernous spaces
resonant sound and light within them
people almost invisible transparent as wall avatar projections
slight smell of ozone
echoed spaces reverberations spaces the length of sound waves within the 
bandwidth of hearing humans
shifters stammers stutters within those spaces
enormous spaces, cavernous spaces
reinforcements and cancellations mobile air
spaces within spaces interior spaces
sounds within spaces within spaces images avatars within sound
population of plato's cave always already in the outside world
yes yes yes yes yes everyone is shadows are everyone viewers worlds within the 
same without the same
worlds without viewers and viewers without worlds
bodies moving through spaces hungry ghosts disappearing from one to the other 
of the imaginary
imaginary real and real imaginary and no outside of the 5-space sphere
torn and ragged raged images torn and ragged raged peoples and smell of ozone 
smell of sex
enormous spaces, cavernous spaces
viewers as if naked as if desired desiring
viewers of worlds and worlds of viewers
(bounding bouncing spaces of wired spoolings)

http://www.asondheim.org/dense3s.mov (not an illustration)

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