n0name newsletter #63

e at various-euro.com
Tue Jan 10 10:19:29 CET 2006

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n0name newsletter #63 So., 08.01.2006 21:17 CET


1. MP3_8317 Remix
2. Nick. _Roman_ (Fortsetzungsroman) Teil 27

13 KB, ca. 5 DIN A4-Seiten



MP3_8317 Remix

Die exakte Macht des Wiedermischens nimmt wieder neue alte Formen an.
Produktionsmittel haben wir ja genug. Wir sind die neue neue
selbstpersiflierte Generation von Prosumenten und Multitudes, denen
das Kapital laengst wieder gehoert.
13 mehr oder weniger nichtssagende (denn Stuecke sagen nie etwas)
Spuren und ein Text sind das Ergebnis einer Remixsession von 38317.
Einzig "Futur 3" ist irgendwie noch tanzbar, stammt aber im Original
aus 1998, ist also vor dem "Crash" entstanden. Aber Originale haben
keine Chance. Das ist in der Konsequenz die Quintessenz der
reaktionaeren Aktion dieser Gruppe, die sozial zurueckgewiesen und
bohemianisch ihr Ding macht.
Immerhin werden Eigentumsverhaeltnisse befragt. Akustische
Waffengewalt und AK 47-Getue wie in "Ekonomy Hit Mann" (vermutlich
noch nicht einmal der Original Klang des Maschinengewehrs) werden aber
so lange als Loesungsvorschlags-Assoziation fraglich, so lange nur
gespielt wird.
Es ist jetzt schon kurz vor einem gemuetlichen Sonntag Abend vorm
Fernseher - da hilft auch keine Anspielung auf Godard's Film "Weekend".

Ali Emas

Index of /mp3_8317%Remixes

   Name                             Last modified       Size  Description
   Remix Directory                  08-Jan-2005 21:00      -
   basix-remix.mp3                  08-Jan-2005 21:00   5.4M
   caplismisindahouse-remix.mp3     08-Jan-2005 21:00   2.6M
   dancingqueenloop-remix.mp3       08-Jan-2005 21:00   1.9M
   disco_lr-remix.mp3               08-Jan-2005 21:00   8.1M
   ekonomy_hit_mann-remixxl.mp3     08-Jan-2005 21:00   2.3M
   futur3karaokex-remix.mp3         08-Jan-2005 21:00   6.5M
   harry-remix.mp3                  08-Jan-2005 21:00   6.0M
   harry-remixrrgh.mp3              08-Jan-2005 21:00   7.5M
   ohtaku-remix.mp3                 08-Jan-2005 21:00   7.0M
   otaku-remix.mp3                  08-Jan-2005 21:00  13.4M
   sonnenstern-remixbumm.mp3        08-Jan-2005 21:00   5.1M
   NEW Tracks:                      08-Jan-2005 21:00     0k
   prosumer-tape.mp3                08-Jan-2005 21:00      -
   basistraeck-remix.mp3            08-Jan-2005 21:00   5.1M
   de-droit copy city.mp3           08-Jan-2005 21:00     2k

Repache/2.0.06 (Linux/Bertelsmann) Server at www.n0name.de Port 007


38317 Selfinterview

A new rising shootingstar: 38317 is a group from Berlin, Germany
founded in 2004. They started their Non-Bob Dylanesque "Never Starting
Tour" in the same year "and played around the so called globalized
globe". The band was interviewed by themselves about the MP3_8317
Remixes and Laptop Culture.

38317: Why do you interview yourself?

38317: Because it is a cool nety thing and we love this retro style
of marxian tactics.

38317: Are we witnesses of a cultural hegemony?

38317: No, we are witnessers (!) in the sense that we are not just
watching and reporting what's happening in a certain field of
society, we are not telling it 1:1 but we are re-constructing it
all the time. We are reproducing this artificial difference and
conflict between culture and everything else, which is dictated by
the systematically third generation of DJs, TJs and VJs grown up in
the 1980is who are established now. The problem is that those adepts
sponsored by mama&papa just follow their material needs and
conditions. They love this roll back into the bourgeois culture
thing, like Hakim Bey with his anarcho-ontological TAZ and his
islands of pure art and music. They are under a escapism-fleeing-
the-reality-concept-pressure ... sublimation 2.0 I'd say.

38317: Is the politics of culture a dogma?

38317: Yes. The distinction between culture and politics, culture
and economy, the classical Basis-Ueberbau model is wrong, as some
cultural studies might have shown also. I is still around because
of many reasons, because of the doctrine of Capitalistic Realism
and peoples small manufactured brains before the turntables.
I love this photoshpopping too. One could really fall into the
FX and use all tools and explain it to yourself. It's a kind of
research. But style-style is not the problem here, style is not
only "Ausdruck" (expression) of what the "Wesen" (essence) is. What
people are doing is not the realization of a core-kernel-algorithm-
complex. It is always connected to what is totally necessary but
always interconnected to the reality of the media-tool as well.
Without knowledge of colors and smell you would never be able to
cook, to reproduce yourself, to work again. And even this
explaination is wrong as it suggests a difference between work and
cooking. Cooking is work too. But work, as we know it, is under
control. In fact the Remix Culture is a today's dogma of overcoming
all this. Since one decade a DJ is a normalo - everybody HAS to be
one! There's no articulation of a DeeJay-Utopia anymore, it follows
your class and the ideas of class conflict. "You have to create your
own style", says DJ Hell [from Germany]. You have to, you have to!
Remix and playing with records once was used as against this slick
post-authenticism and identity police.
So to fall into the possibilities of the effects of you audio editor,
though it is one of the basics, is a short term freedom, your notebook
is Freud mutated into a V2. Your choice as a prosumer in this
supermarket is the choice of a ex-appropriated human beeing.
Reengeneering is only one option to get into this. To open the
machines is only one alternative!
I think it's time to re-write media theory - especially german
media theory - to turn it's turn in the 1970s. I can not proofe it
but there must have been a try of some of these theorists to
structuralismlize their knowing of critique of political economy.
It is obvious! Haha!

38317: You think, we must re-read the theory?

38317: Yes and no, because theory is always and ever to be re-read and
re-write. ROM and RAM! Plus critical programming! But real social
programming is impossible today. The Culture Flatrate of the green
leftist Attacistic lobby in France and Germany will turn out to be a
Flat-Rat Race. Remix is supposed to be the great promise. But a
promise is something to do something in the future. So Remix is a kind
of future today, in terms of grammatic it is a Futur III, an
impossible situation. Remix is a political substitute for political
acting. DJing actually is government. Take a look at the soccer TV
shows or the winter sports broadcastings. They overlay the picture
of a person doing the goal or the slalom with graphics of another
person doing the goal or the slalom. They use the well kown slow motion
and many other techniques to re-mix the pictures. Remix could be
perceived as the very basic media technique. All media output is remix.
Or to use an older term, every stream of information is sampling. But
this concept of (cultural) production is hegemonial. There are Remixes
of Comics, of Faces, of identities. Remix is not the authentic technic
of change, it is "rekuperiert" (reoccupied) by Lego(TM) an others, by
the capital and never had a realm of its own. It is a technique to be
used. Or like 01etc.org once said in an interview in 1999: "If you mean
with "rekuperieren" to get rich, we hope to be rekuperiert!" This
anti-situationist manner is the new old fashion. And fashion is a soft
modus of dicatorship.

38317: Why do you present your remixes on a weekend and why as a
release like the old media-format LP or CD?

38317: Even an index of a folder is a presentation, it is not the
thing itself. The lists of the network are meta-lists. And these
overlay-techniques are quite common. Overlay networks are networks on
networks for building new topologies. And we do it on the weekend in
a comfortable studio to not get into a car crash or other

38317: Why do you use 100% original material only?

38317: Because Original Pirate Material is related to the so called
leftists. Every Madonna on the street is using it and that's okay. Our
remixes are in fact a recation to this. We are reactionary. Hopefully
we don't become some Popnazis now. Actually it's tracks "of our own",
or we should I say: not of our own. They are very simple ... and
remixed very simple. And nobody knows these tracks except a few people,
the elite, haha! So we can only show that we are not part of a youth
movement, no member of a scene. Only a very small peer group separated
in itself knows about the works of thirtyeightthreehundredandseventeen.
And who is really interested in these remixes of unknown songs? It is a
real n0name product reflecting fame and production and social
deprivation. What counts is always the prize at the cassa! And it's
true, there are some samples taken without the owner's consent.

38317: Or is it a cry for LOVE?

De-Droit Copy City


"...european parliament reports. President Francois says that he's
disappointed with Industrie's performance. In Paris, a Madonna Song
was reported downloaded at the scene of a p2p on the internet by a
youth this morning. The youth was reported surfing on the wrong side
of the web when he clicked a button and was catapulted through
backbone of his nation while some banlieues where burning. Madonna
itself is reported to be uninjured. The identities of both are being
withheld by local police. Attac, GPLers and Creative Commons today are
expected to blah..."

"...and surf all nite and copy every day
I wanna click and surf all nite and copy every day..."

I feel the right on a saturday night
1 Million aint enough for a song, right?
22.500 for 30 songs? Pah!
Come on Jay, you're white darky in a hutch, nigger

Stand up, everybody's gonna use their head
Load down, everybody's gets what to get
You gotta lose your right in De-Droit copy city

Stand up, everybody's gonna use their head
Load down, everybody's gets what to get

Waiting for fate
Revolt can't wait
Nine o'clock and I know I gotta hit the net
First login then p2p
Start up Inc. and I try to make Time Warner wet

Stand up, everybody's gonna use their head
Load down, everybody's gets what to get

Surfing fast, doin' 100MBit/s
Kill authors' rights but I can't get no real roast
I feel so shared, I'm so alive
I hear Beatles tapes playin' on my mp3, ieeh!

Stand up, everybody's gonna use their head
Load down, everybody's gets what to get

It's 24 hours, Johnny Ipod
The culture flatrate is a copymachine
Bastard pop is a business model
I got to laugh 'cause microprofit will be mine, aye-aye

Stand up, everybody's gonna use their head

Load down, everybody's gets what to get

(c) 2006 n0name



Nick. _Roman_ (Fortsetzungsroman) Teil 27

"Wie soll daraus jemals wieder ein logisch zusammenhaengender Text
hergestellt werden koennen?" dachte Roman.
   Kuerzlich traf ich Ihn auf einer Con. Er hatte sich wie auf dieser
einem Resample unterzogen.
Remix hin, Remix her. Das alles ist so miteinander verknuepft, dasz man
mit dem Laserschwert dazwischengehen musz, um Klarheit zu schaffen!
Roman vergrub sich in seine Berechnung der verlorengegangenen Rhizome.

Teil 28 im n0name newsletter #64


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