[syndicate] New morning / Un matin

Cyrill Duneau cduneau at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 16 18:38:54 CET 2006

A list cannot be unmoderated if you Aliette are one of the owners/moderators. 

for a quick reminder, Aliette used to unsubscribe everybody on nettime-fr-raw (she was a mod - on an unmoderated list) who was saying anything that displeased her. the problem is that this list was created for the sake of unmoderation. And she couldn't bear it. Now all her friends are trying to put the list down through many different ways. I couldn't cope up and I unsubscribed. These people are obviously anti-democratic and should be fought each time necessary. No french lobby is going to appear on the net, and none in your name, Aliette. You have hurt enough people, You have done enough bad and wrong things. Now start to think.


"A. G-C" <guibertc at criticalsecret.com> wrote: *Unmoderate List [NettimeFrRawNewMorning]

N e t I s N e w T i m e I s N e x t M o r n i n g R a w I s N o t W a r F r
O u t s i d e F r Since a night in February 2006, a month after an
existential divide of nettime-fr-raw... By a certain day of the last
seventies the US Weathermen in a Press release as their former announcements
currently using a new title from a song of Bob Dylan informed that they
would stop with the bombs. This is not a self-confession but an invitation
to whom coming from another list in conflict will stop here with the double
mass ( Elias Canetti -Masses et puissance ). In a sort that we can recover
the precious differences. Life is to recommence... This list of discussion
is multidisciplinary emergent, hope to be creative, Francophone not
exclusive -but Anglophone or other spoken not being an obligation. As well
"New morning" is a concert hall in Paris... [NettimeFrRawNewMorning] is
unmoderated ( subscribers and netetiquette ). Sign: Louise as admin
"privil�ge". Thanks Robin and XavierL as admins. Thanks the subscribers to
trust in the new.

N e u f E t N e t B r u t N o n L a G u e r r e P r o c h a i n M a t i n F
a i t L e T e m p s F r E x t � r i e u r F r Depuis une nuit de F�vrier
2006 - un mois apr�s une division existentielle de nettime-fr-raw... Un
certain jour,� la fin des ann�es 70, les Weathermen firent un communiqu� de
Presse sous un nouveau titre extrait selon leur habitude d'une chanson de
Bob Dylan, pour annoncer qu'ils arr�taient avec les bombes. Ce n'est pas une
confession personnelle mais une invitation � qui venant d'une liste en
conflit oubliera ici la masse double (Elias Canetti - Masses et puissance).
De sorte que nous puissions retrouver les pr�cieuses diff�rences. Vivre
c'est recommencer... Cette liste de discussion est multidisciplinaire
�mergente, souhait�e cr�ative, francophone non exclusive mais sans
obligation anglophone ni d'autre langue. Aussi "New morning" est le nom
d'une salle de concert � Paris... [NettimeFrRawNewMorning] n'est pas mod�r�e
pour ceux qui s'abonnent mais respecte la net�tiquette (description au
message de bienvenue). Remerciements aux abonn�s de parier sur le neuf.
Remerciements � Robin et � XavierL gestionnaires. Signature: Louise
gestionnaire "privil�ge".

Free discussions / Press release / Announcements / Discuss themes with
Guests Curators / Residences.
Discussions libres / Communiqu�s / Annonces / D�bats th�matiques et
curateurs invit�s / R�sidences.

Traducteur gratuit en ligne
Free translator online

Subscribe/ S'abonner
Unsubscribe/ Se d�sabonner

Envoyer les emails
Send emails to 
nettime-fr-raw.newmorning at anart.no
( html and multimedia attach.documents available�)

About the list/ Voici l'adresse de la liste

*Remind and Netetiquette: this list of discussion is multidisciplinary
emergent, hope to be creative, Francophone not exclusive
but Anglophone or other spoken not being an obligation.
Unmoderated exchanges call mutual respect and
subscribers' self-control. Critical points of views need argumentation.
Freedom requires to take care of easy spamming. Please to be patient with
the free admins. Announce your infos or events and your elected links, quote
from outside, discuss, think, criticize, explain, play, enjoy!
*Rappel et Net�tiquette : cette liste de discussion est multidisciplinaire
�mergente, nous l'esp�rons cr�ative, francophone non exclusive mais sans
obligation anglophone ni d'autre langues. Les �changes sans filtres de
mod�ration demandent le respect mutuel et le self-contr�le des abonn�s. Les
points de vues critiques ont besoin d'argumentation. La libert� requiert de
prendre garde � la facilit� de l'encha�nement des spams. Annoncez vos
informations ou vos �v�nements, citez le monde ext�rieur, discutez, pensez,
critiquez, expliquez, passionnez-vous, jouez !

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