[syndicate] on alias, aliasing

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sun Dec 24 18:14:03 CET 2006


Alias - One has an alias - the connotation is that of subterfuge (but not
necessarily). Feynman writes about alias as a question of raster - think
of alias, aliasing, as the return of the repressed of the real - what
can't be accommodated is transformed by the upper ceiling of the bandwidth
into rhythmic structuring - of course if the unaccommodated - one might
say unaccountable - is itself within a relatively steady-state. Look for
alias / aliasing in the real, for the location of what might pass for
primordial - what whispers in spite of everything.

Aliases and rhythm - but given the potential of alterity, a face without
content, a face elsewhere than the Other - the rupture itself, aliasing
itself, may take on the appearance of a masquerade (i.e. of the second
order). Hence what is apparent may be the extrusion or residue of
insufficient bandwidth, and if we generalize, we might find that the
appearance of the real is always already alias, construed as appearance,
forced into its return.

Is sampling always inadequate? Don't we make these decisions in the first
place, in relation to human perception? Think of the alias as a wound -
wound as gateway - or diacritical mark. Here is where the digital meets
the analog - or at least where catastrophe meets emission - where emission
is channeled...

There is something deep here, more than meets the eye ...


Thus - to a future editor:

I am writing as quickly as possible before I die. For example, the concept
of 'alias' I employ here might well lead to a phenomenology of the imag-
inary. But who has time to complete this? Furthermore, my work is full of
misspellings, errors of grammar, confusions and awkwardness of style. I
hope these will be corrected. I am blind to them. Even with copy-editing,
I am blind to them. But they are present as the real is present, and as
such, are erroneous; they conjure only what the alias permits. The sememe
is catastrophically shattered in such, and most likely in all, instances.
So the act of correction must be an active one - not merely copy-editing,
but editing for content, deep-editing, correcting faults, and restoring
the texts to their (non-existent and accurate) originals.

There is something deep here, more than meets the I ...


( see http://nikuko.blogspot.com )

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