[syndicate] Fwd: About

ctgr-pavu.com ctgr at free.fr
Thu Dec 14 21:36:51 CET 2006

If someone had delivered all twenty reels of the new Rocket Man 
chapter-play to Annies house, would she have waited, parcelling out 
only one a week, or even one a day?
And by the way, toots, the babys name started out to be Sean, in case 
youre interested; I changed it because I decided that was just too 
fucking many ns to fill in.

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Rating: STRONG Buy.

"Yes, Paul could suddenly see it - and in an instinctive way he 
understood exactly how such a scene, absurdly melodramatic as it might 
be, could be milked for suspense.
She came two or three hesitant steps closer yet, and observed a hand 
reaching from the earth of a fresh grave, the fingers frozen in a 
hideous gesture of supplication.

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