[syndicate] \\ b a ss m

0f0003 | maschinenkunst n2o at ggttctttat.com
Wed Aug 23 06:23:07 CEST 2006

>Quoting marc <marc.garrett at furtherfield.org>:
>> Andrej Tisma, visited London last week & we both discussed the old
>> syndicate list about the times just this current gang moved in here.
>there was sally jane norman
>for example
>> Actually, I still have all those emails with all the various manic
>> debates somewhere on disk, from when NN was asked to leave and then
>NN was never asked to leave, he was thrown out by the admins
>> asked back - in the end the original syndicate list moderators left
>> and moved on to set up the Spectre list.
>that's a rough synopsis...
>do we need that story written ?

reality is 2 komplex 4 written komunikation
but legend embodies into a form which enables
to sprrrrrrrrrread all ovr dze world

... stories nou - a slight gaze upon dze arsenal
ov balkan folklore reveals that stories drive
with mad abondon through reality + embody the spirit
ov dze events rather the simply simple facts. [diferenta principala dintre
1st world + 3rd world]

allora - nn - once upon an ambivalent time a v.well to do .ro peasant
had his land and 'conac' confiscated by the austro-hungarian itchy bitchy mfz
who subsequently commenced 2 erase his nameless name 4rom dze 01 cadastru.

eeeeeehehei haiducii mei ...
si asa mai departe intelegeti doamnelor si domnilor
ca daca-s avea timp v-as mai povesti dar n-am incotro
trebe sa plec intelegeti domniile voastre - hence alora si mai pe scurtatura

the peasants seeing this au strigat \+\ deklamat





secere secere secere boom

burum bum bum buuuuuum


alors alora + nazdrovie

boierii occidentali s-au speriat. mai dar cum s-au mai speriat saracii
the occident nematodes became v.frightened - sim sim sim - history speaks +
she whispers
ov rolling heads tzo dzei jumped jumped + jumped on dze fuel-efficient
biciclete triciclete
+ cycled auai madddddddddddddddly at 250kmph to dze bundesland - mhm + da da da

dze 1x nn peasant cu un pai in gura
pe-o gura de rai
ca de n-ar fi fost nu s-ar povesti
si caciula mai pe-o parte - nice + squwwky faszhionabl
whistled a wise old song

eeeeeehehei haiducii mei ...

acum va las bre ca am de invatat
da' ne vom mai intilni

pe ici pe colo
dupa cum rasare soarele

beyond dze human imaginazie
\+\ dze pursuit ov the inaudible


                              ORDNUNG \+\ DISZIPLIN

                                                        | | open handz.
klosz handz - pe plan mondial

[p-un_kT-pr_o-T–k_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3       ||
                 herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen
!nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n
       : / / www.tagueulebabacloanta.tm

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