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0f0003 | maschinenkunst n2o at ggttctttat.com
Tue Aug 22 17:11:21 CEST 2006

>> because another guy wrote this story, it is really a wrong version of it
>> no wonder: he was not part of this story... or was he ?
>I think Andreas Broeckman wrote a report on this event, and he wrote it in a
>wrong way, of course. Fascist bastard.

Fascist bastard - dze signifikant issue with monsieur broeckman + dze remaining
geert vomit occident amalgam is that as most truly dangerous mfz he is simply
unconscious of his kompaktd refusz state.

in fakt he regardz hiz ultra diplomatic. demokratik. lou energie nematode
as an attribute. as an overt manifestation ov hiz germanik propensity 4
the drakonian metamorphosis ov affective states in2 effective states.

Fascist bastard - simply.unconscious mf

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