Fwd: Ecotopia

beate zurwehme beate at zurwehme.org
Thu Apr 27 10:03:37 CEST 2006

Has anyone been to Ecotopia?
Is there any possibility of linking the 'arts and crafts' to the
'alternative technologies' or even creative forms of activism that are
not didactic political messages?

6-20 August
Ecotopia 2006 will take place in Zajezka, a beautiful location in
mountains in Slovakia. Zajezka is a rural community in central Slovakia,
where around 40 people live in houses scattered throughout the area. The
Zajezka community exists 10 years and runs various projects related to
traditional arts and crafts, alternative technologies, permaculture,
development, etc. The main topic of Ecotopia 2006 will be Art and
Beside Art & Activism themes, the program will cover various issues and
offer different workshops. Also, there will be possibilities for
joining the
local activities as well. Ecotopia 2006 callout will be sent around
Please, spread the word. Everyone is invited, and everyone is welcome to
take part in creating the program by giving workshops.

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