the child of languor

Alan Sondheim sondheim at
Mon Apr 10 08:25:14 CEST 2006

the child of languor (commentary at )

i will go the child of languor, route rouge no return, royaume,
ray dark, into none and emergent, perhaps you
glance, just slightest, nothing remain, visible, not
know ending that word, phrase, possibility word
made whole, want so much to hear you, see again, our live fills
me every day, appears like miracle, bright ring around bone, fecund stars
fleeing onslaught winter, spring
itself, always eternal spring, prolongation, :the courses
through body, th skins are words which break, wounded, tied
with prosthetic shards, glass, galena cryalline, magnetite. speak simply
slowly understand. wound breaks skin, routine. 'i'm coming for sister,' a
gradient inconceivable potential. narrower point, higher voltage,
breakdown fractured air. what we about on last day alive, when sun time,
look your eyes, remember dawns sunsets endless night, how then:dual
projection open maw presentation. orifice dissolved orifice. 'you
routine.' at this point thought repetition only
Pope's paradigm Homer's shield or least bad cyberpunk. I
vision, were reflections, glimpses something, in water, ice,
shined appearance certain crystals, later did world
reflect itself lay still lies, lifeless,
inert, grayed-out, inconceivable. 'the mirror colors all.' is gift,
diminution.:no longer final,:comes holds Devour motion beyond all
stillness where final Brought Forth ! Give name hunger! dual 'y ou paradi
gm LIF E. gl impses cryst als, diminution.
This orific e. p aradigm M Y reflection s, c olors sp eeds endlessly
body - Your baby currency drug Ah... ed, s peak potentia l. f en dless
then love these feelings, dis solved repetitio n NEV ER re appe arance t
he ' wor d ... Driven by drive-letters, gone junkie
highs way within-you me!
What do call baby? r ay lik e onsla ught drugs list them...
one one, each line alone, typing Control-d done.
within me, another moment holding tending as shepherd tends, tendency
towards skies
comes k now whol e, alw ays , 025], grad ient al ive, da wns then? here,
it's highs? Are properly compiling o emergent w ill ever y fec und ring, ?
You're dealing driven. death-trip mine. gla nce, endin g appear prolongat
-3205 encased flesh
For 1 days, have been among Julu it has taken 12.550 minutes turning

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