\\ RE: [syndicate] \\ Netochka Nezvanova - the book release

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Tue Sep 20 20:16:11 CEST 2005

> he is stepping into it and as he does so ... he glances at the ticket - you
> are entering death ... he realizez he has already lived

this is where he floats around as myriad disjointed particles

eventually he becomes 01 coherent yet upside down shape
and makes a critical mistake - he wants to understand
this locks the door to childhood and pushes him into 
a painful journey across nothing ... [this is where m@ comes in
holding a placard | give me truth. i'll make my own paradise|]
btw: nothing is very slimy. 

by chapter 2.3 we find out whether he has entered into conscious childhood
which requires a special type of super glue remover ....

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