RES: [syndicate] \\ Netochka Nezvanova - the book release

Guilherme Kujawski kujawski at
Tue Sep 20 19:25:35 CEST 2005

lost paradise & true lies

Guilherme Kujawski

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Sympa Owner [mailto:sympa at]Em nome de
integer at
Enviada em: terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2005 13:42
Para: syndicate at
Assunto: [syndicate] \\ Netochka Nezvanova - the book release

   Dragi tovarasi si pretini [cccp - ceausica]

   In approx 2 months Netochka Nezvanova, the book written by
   ... Netochka Nezvanova and 2.3 personages is being released
   via our publishing house, editura CCCP, in Romania. 

   We wish to extend 12, signed, complimentary copies to the 1st 
   12 responders who wish to answer the following question:

            between truth + paradise, which do you choose +?

   01 warning: be careful what u wish for

Numai bine, GD

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