
integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Thu Sep 15 19:07:25 CEST 2005

>> f, this proposal was for a book of nato.0+55 operators' images
>yeah, I know but now I have a mac

dont you have a nord 2 +?
i have software for that as well - plz !nzert addtl ko!nz
and didnt you say you .... =)

>how much is nato 


>and how long do you think it takes (me) to become an operator ?

do mean how long before you get the software or how long before you learn to use it.

former - 24h or less
latter - after watching that little 1 of urs go from stationary to krawling within ~10 min
         i would estimate ~10min. 1 week for krawling without vomiting  -.0

things to consider:

nato.0+55 work on os9 not osx
you will also need max. an older version of max something like 3.5 or 3.6 (these look/work better) or 4.0 (overflowing in c74 slime)
neither of these things should be a problem but you should be aware of them

>> if you want to do something else let me know.
>I do.

u want 2 flow multilaterally +?


>yeah, I know but now I have a mac

i'll send some url shortly. what mac do u hav +?

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