[syndicate] \\ Federal Bureau ov Suggestie

fmadre at free.fr fmadre at free.fr
Tue Sep 13 16:03:56 CEST 2005

Selon integer at www.god-emil.dk:
> http://www.paetau.com/downloads/KiezAvantgarde/ThePunishment.html
> http://www.paetau.com/downloads/KiezAvantgarde/ThePunishment.html
> http://www.paetau.com/downloads/KiezAvantgarde/ThePunishment.html
> http://www.paetau.com/downloads/KiezAvantgarde/ThePunishment.html
> http://www.paetau.com/downloads/KiezAvantgarde/ThePunishment.html
> http://www.paetau.com/downloads/KiezAvantgarde/ThePunishment.html

a bit scary
this guy approaches children who have no idea who GWBush is and he teaches them
that the person on the image is a bad person and within twenty minutes time the
kids have degraded the image of a human being they do not know just because a
guy with a coke bottle conned them into it.
I find it a bit scary and senseless

no ?


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