[syndicate] please donate -

fmadre at free.fr fmadre at free.fr
Fri Sep 2 13:02:16 CEST 2005

Selon Alan Sondheim <sondheim at panix.com>:
> I don't know what the point of this is.

me neither
... it was a copy/paste from a foxnews.com article
you don't read fox news ?
me neither

The situation is hell down there,
> musicians or no musicians. I've been there, know people there; most of the
> people I know have friends there. No matter how you cut it, it's bad.


> And yes, pleas to donate. Our fucking president spends his cum on killing
> Iraqi, nothing's getting down there. Money is all we can do. The plea
> wasn't to you, it was to anyone in the states or anyone who cares. I don't
> really want to debate horror, here, or Iraq, or anywhere else.

I heard that the US gov is raising 8 billion dollars to aid

> Re: musicians, perhaps we should be PC at this point? Anything to get
> money into the city, get help, that's all. I really don't give a damn
> about what someone thinks MTV or NBC or GOD should do at this point. If it
> raises money, fine. If not, try something else.

money is not the be all and end all of disasters
is what I meant

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