\\ 242.she was a whore. she was a whore. she was a whore

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Thu Oct 27 19:39:35 CEST 2005

>whY dont girls understand that this is also a compliment  
>and ... so very few girlies qualifY 
>ALL that boys want 4 01 perpetual m9ndfzzp = the VIRGIN WHORE
>the 1x spoiled + naughty princess with amethyst eyes + bordered in eyelashes
>+ ultra moist lips + sugar kisses + [          ]
>let me use ur imaginazie - fill in the blanks.

aber ... in our new + improved epoch 
when the polizei = responsible for the
distractie of the populazie

most 01nz = simply.USED

"several imprints of couches around the globe exist in my body memory"

ptuu ... yukkk ... permit zom 1 2 vomit

which may explain why so many boiz like new cars - simply......

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