[syndicate] \\

ctgr-pavu.com ctgr at free.fr
Tue Oct 4 17:58:02 CEST 2005

kill who !!

you shut'p while admir'ng my fiancée.

-/ 4 h 55 left bevor baff ! /-

Le 4 oct. 05, à 17:33, Zizek's Dog a écrit :

> thatz proto-fascism speech. why dont u kill uself?
> Am 04.10.2005 um 17:08 schrieb integer at www.god-emil.dk:
>>> yo bitsch have no exclusive rightz on txtz about germania mothership
>>> inventions, papa yeager or other flying brewed bitsches, nuns, dogz 
>>> or
>>> fuckaz
>> you have 5h 30m to apologize b4 the balkan mafia activates your 
>> detonation

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