[syndicate] le r*ck est m*rt

dolmensniper at free.fr dolmensniper at free.fr
Mon Oct 31 11:42:02 CET 2005

i love listening to the voices of the deads

rock is dead as the vector of its original message (america, freedom, etc)
now it can surely be filled up with a new content (already done, in fact)

but it is obviously completely different of what it was originally (as i said, a
part of the Spectacular society)

Masami Akita rocks
Costes rocks
Cypress Hill rocks

rock in its original meaning was a false rebellion. it has tried to integrate
itself in the mainstream medias. it has succeeded. but it has lost its soul.
when subversion gets a name, it is not subversion anymore.


Selon "ctgr-pavu.com" <ctgr at free.fr>:

> > rockers
> kill rockers !

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