RES: [syndicate] \\

Guilherme Kujawski kujawski at
Wed Nov 30 18:54:07 CET 2005

ahhhhh... I love the balcans...

>I still think you're just jealous, but I won't hold it against you.

This may have to do with the fact that you refuse to understand anything else but work.
which is what I mentioned to you previously ...

So, no jealousy. I am telling you that if you act like a fucking corporation 
- ie. post only announcements on Syndicate or Kfor
I will unsubscribe you.

Simple. Behave like a human being and you are welcome.
Behave like a corporation - ciao bambino/a

I think you have posted more emails in 24h than in your entire
Syndicate existence. Pas mal, hopefully you can do it without the
training wheels/being squeezed


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