No subject

m e t a meta at
Fri Nov 25 09:39:54 CET 2005

made my way outside the wire.........



= hate ma!lz = 01 reku!z!t 4 ekselensz.

produkt!v!t+e 0. JA. DANKE>

why do you care about art?


           binary mainline =

> \ autocount.drift \ dreamsicle skies   -

that is all, beautiful sound.

simple question:

what are these images?

is beautiful in its intense density

panda is angry that you never visit him. he is sulking and wont eat his 
panda food.

i feel badly about it.
it was pointless + unneccesary --
all apologies.

>   ghost in the shell  -

> psst...
> ur vibrations have != been present in dze ether lately.
> hope u = well.

just tried it
works fine

nothing has been touched

   clocks crash in my presence;
   + time stretches itself into years and millennia
   kompakted into a few hours..

i wrote this yesterday and couldnt decide whether to actally send it. 
but i think i should:

dead urls.    dead email addresses.            transient



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