[syndicate] A complaint to Finkielkraut - allez je me lance

dolmensniper at free.fr dolmensniper at free.fr
Thu Nov 24 22:43:58 CET 2005

> democratic debate.


> republican integrism


> that they are only a bunch of intolerant republican dumbs.

what do you mean ?

in my mouth democracy is a loose term because it is situated on the conceptual
plan. It then needs to be designed through logical and then physical
transformations through reality, hence the multitude of democratic different
sorts of states one can see. the main selling feature is "people
representation". democracy is NOT the opposite of fascism. cf Nazi Germany.

in my mouth republicanism (jacobinism) is a particular logical state of the
concept called democracy. it includes power delegation through votes as one of
its main selling features, but can come packaged in many different ways when
coming to the physical (ie real) plan.
Republicanism is NOT the opposite of fascism. cf French Terror.

"that they are only a bunch of intolerant republican dumbs" just means what it


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