[syndicate] ethno-religious revolt

claudia westermann media at ezaic.de
Thu Nov 24 21:40:41 CET 2005

>what is simply ignored by finkielkraut is that there are poor people with no
>jobs lumped together in places specially made for poor people with no jobs,
>places built so that finkielkraut and sarkozy can live happily and 
>quietly from
>their exploitaition

was sent for a holiday into the banlieu de Paris some 18 years ago or so
one of these urbanistic "dreams" ... (someone wanted to become part 
of the history books alongside Haussmann ?)

must say
am surprised it was rather quiet for so long

extremely depressing it was already at that time and I guess there 
have not been too many efforts for "improvement" there since then

I read in some article that these satellite cities were supported by 
the very left at the time, for the one or other reason of which one 
might have been that it was easier to address the potential voters 
when they are concentrated (note: did not check the sources)


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