RES: [syndicate] ethno-religious revolt

Guilherme Kujawski kujawski at
Wed Nov 23 19:43:34 CET 2005

> can you develope this point ov view ?

If one looks around, the world appears like an anthill where its inhabitants have lost all sense of direction. They run aimlessly about, chop each other to pieces, foul their nest, attack their young, spend tremendous energies in building artifices that are either abandoned when completed, or when maintained, cause more disruption than was visible before, and so on. Let beastly baby first remove some semantic traps, for corrupt language is the pathogene of the disease. Some simple perversions may come at once to mind, as when "incursion" is used for "invasion", "protective reaction" for "aggression", "Clash of Civilizations" for "pure racism". There are, however, many more profound semantic confusions, and it is these to which beastly baby want to draw our attention now.

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