[syndicate] stlinam

S.U.N s.u.n at free.Fr
Sun Nov 6 14:42:39 CET 2005

Frederic Madre wrote:

>autofuck function not declared
>goto abandoned 20 years ago
>premature end of interpretation
It's [mez]ifying here

 #!/usr/bin/Lewis Caroll <http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=111157>

 $brillig and $toves{slithy};
 for $gyre ( @wabe ) {}  for $gimble ( @wabe ) {}
 map { s/^.*$/mimsy/g } @borogoves
 and $mome{raths} = outgrabe;

 if(my $son = fork) { warn "Beware the Jabberwock!";
 jaws && bite, claws && catch;
 warn "Beware the Jubjub bird" and $shun,
 $Bandersnatch{frumious} == 1;   }else{

 $_{hand} = \$sword{vorpal};
 seek FOE, $manxome, (4_294_967_296 * time);
 sleep ($tree{Tumtum} = $_);
 while (study) { stand }

 while (study($uffish)) { $_{stand} == 1; }
 unless ($Jabberwock = fork) { $Jabberwock{eyes} = flame,
 $Jabberwock{movement} = wiffle, $Jabberwock{location} = $wood{tulgey};
 while ($coming=1) { burble }}

 (1, 2), (1, 2) and through and through;
 $sword{vorpal}{blade} = snicker-snack;
 (kill 9, $Jabberwock), $head = (chop $Jabberwock);
 sub{ return $_, $head  }; }

 tell $son, "And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?".
            "Come to my arms, my beamish boy!   ".
            "O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!   ",
 $_{joy} = chortle   if $son;

 $brillig and $toves{slithy};
 for $gyre ( @wabe ) {}  for $gimble ( @wabe ) {}
 map { s/^.*$/mimsy/g } @borogoves
 and $mome{raths} = outgrabe;

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