
integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Thu Nov 3 15:48:02 CET 2005

>> kr0p3r0m||a9ff
>yeah, yeah, I've still got 9 of those here
>i'm selling them for 250$ each

idee - sell them to the .pt life forms
in front ov ur building

that way u get 2 hear a9ff all the time - gratis
+ fnnnnnnnnnn


uake up

>sometimes I am dreaming about a boy who would live this knowledge

he is not a boy!!!!!

>it is a strange dream

occident demokrazie

>living knowledge is essentially female


>I suspect

my point precisely.
put ur finger doun + say - THIS IS IT!

ue.ll evn turn dzat into  .... COUUUUUUUUUUNTACH!!!

tzori - had 2 chek out the fox!!!! [4 real - not the girl type] that just passed in front ov the window.
uaaaaaaaaaauee zaueee.

ue.ll evn turn dzat into a meat beat

diz iz it. diz iz it. zkeltr. zkeltr. diz iz it.
rok.rol. night + day. ur not mi dezir 4 living.

>                      I will always find an excuse for those I love

we underztnd only 1 thing:

the derivation of meaning + categories
the dichotomy of the predominant in its influence 
on categories ie. 2x choice

>very good
>i feel calmer already. rokc music is boring.
>i sit at your fire amidst the chaos of syndicate.
>tell me another one.

on the other hand we jzt need a ferrari
a ducati palinka -> rokc n roll night and day
night. and. day

>"I want more sex every three minutes for three seconds"
>                     is rather predictable
>no ?

syndicate will _not become an estrogen balon.

>Have I subscribed this list?



"As it turns out, romantic love is probably best
characterized as a motivation or goal-oriented state

true. best thing in the world. evn aftr reaching the other worlds
it is abs lvvvvvvvvvvly to pop a wheelie on a ducati
and let me use ur imaginazie + .... http://www.m9ndfukc.org/data/filmz/sf.avi

ferrari akbar

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