[syndicate] A complaint to Finkielkraut

dolmensniper at free.fr dolmensniper at free.fr
Thu Nov 24 22:09:05 CET 2005

I think this legal call against the right of express oneself proves only their
(the mrap) lack of arguments, while there are many ones that can be made
against his discourse, as the archives of this group can prove it. and to
compare Finkielkrault interview with a nazi website doesn´t appear as a good
comparison to me. Finkielkrault - and god(?) knows i dont agree with him in
some parts of his discourse - remains a philosopher, within the paradigm of
modern thought. he does have the right to be wrong, he does have the right to
write bad philosophy, after all, if there are such absolute things like right
and wrong and good and bad. even if one wants to qualify him as a radical, one
cannot help but see that he remains within the fields of a democratic debate.
to make a complain against him is to stand in the field of republican
integrism, close, very close indeed, to those who want to forbid the wearing of
religious insigns. the so-called "anti-racist" french movements prove once again
that they are only a bunch of intolerant republican dumbs.


Selon Aliette Guibert <guibertc at criticalsecret.com>:

> I do not agree (I have published on nettime about their last complain to a
> US nazi site and for my part explaining how it was the first time that
> someone from France asked for the application of this international
> repressive law on Internet against which we had so much struggle)
> But it was as info to show to Peter that Finkielkraut is considered as
> abusive even a racist by other ones that several of us here.

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