[syndicate] Tr: Rejet de votre message

Aliette Guibert guibertc at criticalsecret.com
Wed Nov 16 11:07:18 CET 2005

To ctgr
You are a fake young. You are not so young as your pretend in your spams.
Your head is not so cool nor so funny as it could appear. Your head is very
very sad in real and old - unable to remember of his passed time as a pass.

You a sad guy - in a matter of fact I think that f. was in half a mistake :
was'nt of you that Lebovici said "he is stupid"?

To Claudia
Dear Claudia and dear all

Please this note to stop with abusive jugment on real persons: Guégan and
Sorin each one are great even they were respectively broken at the horizon
of the defy of this current genius man as Lebovici - more you have money
more you can give the proof to be a genius, just the power to do and make of
what you think, isn't it? - but murdered at last and could be more the fault
of pocker than the fault of movie or both two? same chance- but Lebovici he
was important and trans-cultural in these times anyway.

Guégan has funded by himlself Le sagittaire that was a very good publishing
fundation, and with Sorin. So it is the proof of his own capacity to create
a publisher by himlself and to work as well as possible both with Sorin.

I do not know personally the first one but the second: just coming from Art
gallery and not the worst as it was the one of American Pop Art: Ileana
Sonnabend Gallery. They were really radical persons but a bit younger than
Debord and Lebovici.

They prefered politic fiction as to climb up in crazy words which
anticipated ours actual one. Dantec would not get a sense with his first
works or in the way of their former publishing and translations as
publishers. And Philip K.Dick would not have been so famous in France
without their own move even they did not publish him directly. Guégan was
more trash about radical criticism in the medias and of the medias than
Sorin. So it does not get you in a proffessional collective sympathy:)

More at last, of Sorin himself: can be that never Houellebecq have been
welknown in the world without the cleverness of his publisher Sorin at
Flammarion's about the final aspect of "Les particules élémentaires". There
is one publisher in New York who works same way in the industry of mass
culture. But it is not among the worst seing all the culture of contemporary

It is the same of a publisher than of a producer inmatter of business : a
producer who shits does not help your film to be the best it could be.
Publishers and producers are a part of writting as formal medias themselves.
You can choose another way, analternative way and self produced way and
could be it will be so good and more radical anyway. But in this other
choice of trading books all publishers are not the same.Any one will help
you to climb up and other one do get down after one book. And Guégan as well
as Sorin each one following his own singular way as publisher are the proof
of their respective talent in their own field.

Lebovici more Debord in this moment they were as the same in a trading way
as a truth - even Debord - what it was specially as God withtwo heads
themselves to decide of the good objects and on the bad objects - but
objects of trading anyway... Theyu were not so pure:)

Have a good day,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "ctgr-pavu.com" <ctgr at free.fr>
To: <syndicate at anart.no>
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: [syndicate] Tr: Rejet de votre message

Le 16 nov. 05, à 02:12, guibertc a écrit :

> Sorry of my naughty english speaking (French is below)

it's lucil that'z in charge ov fingering innertions,

> How old are you thus, Debord: did you know him ?

it's f. that'z is in charge ov disprete snubbing knowhiming,

> This culture of Internet is

it's syndicate that's in charge ov is.

> openly strange :

it's NN that'z in charge ov OS. cult,

>  "kids" of your age want to tell us on our direct experimen!

it's Claudia that'z in charge of flowercaring,

> I have crossed him as everybody in this time

i't's I that'z in charge ov memememememememememing.

> A.

what are u in charge ov ?


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